Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Participants : Laurence Duchien, Philippe Merle, Russel Nzekwa, Romain Rouvoy, Lionel Seinturier.

SALTY is a 3-year ANR ARPEGE project started in November 2009 and involving University of Nice, Deveryware, EBM WebSourcing, INRIA ADAM, MAAT-G France, Thales, University Paris 8 and University Paris 6.

The main objective of the SALTY project is an autonomic computing framework for large-scale service-oriented architectures and infrastructures. The SALTY project will result in a coherent integration of models, tools and runtime systems to provide a first end-to-end support to the development of autonomic applications in the context of large-scale SOA in a model-driven way, including never-covered aspects such as the monitoring requirements, the analysis (or decision-making) model, and an adaptation model tackling large-scale underlying managed components. The project will be validated by two large use-cases: a neurodegenerative disease study for exploring the capacity of grid infrastructures and a path tracking application for exploiting the different positioning methods and appliances on a fleet of trucks.


Participants : Jonathan Labejof, Philippe Merle, Lionel Seinturier.

ITEmIS is a 30-month ANR ARPEGE project started in March 2009 and involving Thales, EBM WebSourcing, Inria (ADAM and ARLES), LAAS, ScalAgent,and IRIT.

The ITEmIS project aims at easing the evolution from today's world of separate lightweight embedded applications and IT services to the future world of seamlessly integrated services, thus qualifying and defining a new generation SOA enabling IT and Embedded Integrated Systems (ITEmIS systems). This endeavour is undertaken along three main lines: (1) At business level, where IT/embedded services are integrated into advanced workflows supporting the multi-faceted interoperability and scalability required for ITEmIS systems; (2) At service infrastructure level, by introducing a specialized ESB-based and component-based solution addressing the requirements of the embedded world including deployment; and (3) Transversally for both above levels addressing end-to-end assurance of Quality of Service (QoS) and correctness verification of deployments and workflows at the level of their execution models. The PhD thesis of Jonathan Labejof is conducted in the context of this project.

Further information is available on the website of the project: http://itemis-anr.org/ .


Participants : Gabriel Hermosillo, Fawaiz Paraiso, Romain Rouvoy, Lionel Seinturier.

SocEDA is a 3-year ANR ARPEGE project started in November 2010 and involving EBM WebSourcing, ActiveEon, EMAC, I3S, LIG, LIRIS, INRIA ADAM, France Telecom and Thales Communications.

The goal of SocEDA is to develop and validate an elastic and reliable federated SOA architecture for dynamic and complex event-driven interaction in large highly distributed and heterogeneous service systems. Such architecture will enable exchange of contextual information between heterogeneous services, providing the possibilities to optimize/personalize their execution, according to social network information. The main outcome will be a platform for event-driven interaction between services, that scales at the Internet level based on the proposed architecture and that addresses Quality of Service (QoS) requirements.

Further information is available on the website of the project: http://www.soceda.org .


Participants : Laurence Duchien, Anne-Françoise Le Meur, Nicolas Petitprez.

MOANO (Models & Tools for Pervasive Applications focusing on Territory Discovery) is a 36-month project of the ANR CONTINT program which has started in January 2011. The partners are LIUPPA/University of Pau and Pays de L'Adour, University of Toulouse/IRIT, University of Grenoble/LIG, University of Lille/LIFL/INRIA.

While going through a territory, mobile users often encounter problems with their handheld computers/mobiles. Some locally stored data become useless or unnecessary whereas other data is not included in the handheld computer. Some software components, part of the whole applications can become unnecessary to process some information or documents that the user did no plan to manage during his mission.

In order to answer such difficulties, our project has three operational studies which are i) to enlarge the communication scale, ii) to provide people without computer-science skills with a toolset that will enable them to produce/configure mapping applications to be hosted on their mobile phone and iii) to process all the documents of interest in order to make their spatial and thematic semantics available to mobile users.

See http://moano.liuppa.univ-pau.fr/en .

Trade cluster MIND

Participants : Damien Fournier, Frédéric Loiret, Rémi Mélisson, Philippe Merle, Lionel Seinturier.

MIND is a 32-month project funded by the Minalogic cluster on micro- and nano-technologies. The project started in 2008. The partners of this project include: STMicroelectronics (Leader), CEA, France Telecom R&D, Grenoble 1, INERIS, INRIA, ICT, ISTIA, Itris Automation Square, LOGICA, Schneider Electric, Sogeti High Tech, VERIMAG.

It aims at consolidating the component-based technologies and the tools, which exist around the Fractal component model for building middleware and systems. The goal is to transfer these results into an industrial strength software tool suite in order to foster the adoption of the component-based technologies for designing and developing embedded applications and systems.

Trade Cluster EconHome

Participants : Aurélien Bourdon, Rémi Druilhe, Laurence Duchien, Adel Noureddine, Romain Rouvoy, Lionel Seinturier.

EconHome is a 30-month project funded by FUI and labelized by the Minalogic and Systematic clusters. The project started in 2011. The partners of this project include: Sagemcom, Orange, STMicroelectronics, ST-Ericsson, SPiDCOM, Utrema, COMSIS, DOCEA, CEA, ETIS.

The project aims at reducing the energy consumption of home and middleware networks. The target is to reduce of at least 70% the energy consumption of devices such as residential gateways, set top boxes, CPL plugs. Two axes are investigated: the optimization of the energy consumption of individual devices with innovative low power and sleep modes, and the optimization of the overall network with innovative techniques such as service migration and energy aware service feedbacks to the user.

Trade Cluster MACCHIATO

Participants : Laurence Duchien, Anne-Françoise Le Meur, Nicolas Petitprez, Romain Rouvoy.

Macchiato is a 36-month project of the competitiveness cluster of trade industry of Nord/Pas-de-Calais PICOM (Pôle des Industries du COMmerce, see http://www.picom.fr ), which has started in January 2011. The partners of this project are Auchan (leader), University of Bordeaux/LABRI, INRIA, Web Pulser (an SME).

The Macchiato project is to rethink the design of e-commerce sites to better integrate the Internet of Things and facilitate online sales. In addition to setting up an infrastructure and a common application base, this challenge needs to refocus the design of e-commerce sites on the concept of "single basket". We believe that including the next generation of e-commerce sites will be able to offer a personalized offer to consumers by adapting the content and form of site to their preferences and needs and allowing them to manage its purchases uniformly by through a single basket [46] .

See http://macchiato.lille.inria.fr/

Trade Cluster EasySOA

Participants : Michel Dirix, Philippe Merle, Christophe Munilla.

EasySOA is a 24-month project funded by FUI and labelized by the Systematic competitive cluster for Open Source (see at http://www.systematic-paris-region.org/ ). The project started in 2011. The partners of this project include: Open Wide (Leader), Bull, Easyfab, Inria, Nuxeo, Talend.

The EasySOA goal is to add an open, light, agile layer on top of « traditional » SOA, thanks to an online, social and collaborative approach, involving all actors of the SOA process. Beyond cartography and documentation, it helps gathering and fast-prototyping the business needs, and eases the transition to final implementations in the existing SOA solution.

Further information is available on the website of the project: http://www.easysoa.org .

GDR GPL Action: UbiLab

Participants : Nicolas Haderer, Romain Rouvoy, Lionel Seinturier.

The objective of UbiLab is to build an open software platform for federating scientific activities related to ubiquitous computing. In particular, UbiLab focuses on the definition of a remote sensing platform for collecting activity traces from mobile users using Android smartphones. This action is realized in collaboration with researchers from the CNRS LAAS research laboratory, who are currently working on geo-privacy concerns. In this context, the UbiLab action aims at defining common standards and procedures for collecting and exploiting such activity traces. At short-term, the results of UbiLab will leverage the research in the domains of geo-privacy and ubiquitous computing. At mid-term, we expect that the results of this action will allow other scientific communities to build specific experiments related to the study of mobile crowds behaviors.


Participants : Laurence Duchien, Alexandre Feugas, Anne-Françoise Le Meur, Lionel Seinturier.

SERUS (Software Engineering for Resilient Ubiquitous Systems) is founded by the INRIA collaboration program. The partners are INRIA ADAM Team, INRIA PHOENIX Team and TSF-LAAS (CNRS). Resilience is defined as the ability of a system to stay dependable when facing changes. For example, a building management system (e.g., anti-intrusion, fire detection) needs to evolve at runtime (e.g., deployment of new functions) because its critical nature excludes interrupting its operation. Resilience concerns occur in various application domains such as civil systems (civil protection, control of water or energy, etc.) or private systems (home automation, digital assistance, etc.).

The objectives of this project is to propose a design-driven development methodology for resilient systems that takes into account dependability concerns in the early stages and ensures the traceability of these requirements throughout the system life-cycle, even during runtime evolution. To provide a high level of support, this methodology will rely on a design paradigm dedicated to sense/compute/control applications. This design will be enriched with dependability requirements and used to provide support throughout the system life-cycle.

See http://serus.bordeaux.inria.fr/